AnalyticsWidget is a free dashboard widget for OS X that displays Google Analytics data.

AS OF 12 Dec 2011 WITH THE NEW GOOGLE ANALYTICS THE WIDGET DOES NOT WORK ANYMORE, there were significant changes and with the advent of two step authentication it needs significant work so until i have time or someone else picks up the source i recommend GAget

There are 3 types of reports : Content Overview, Visitors Overview and Traffic Sources Overview , each of these also has 3 views: a graphical main view, a table of small graphs, and a textual view.



On the back side you need to enter the details for the google analytics account, press get sites then select one of your sites.



The code is GPL'ed and a fork of the no longer developed Dashalytics which is based on TanTan’s Google Analytics plugin for Wordpress and uses the Keychain plugin from Scue, a tooltip by Nick Stakenburg and a glider by MissingMethod .

I picked up development in 2010 primarly with the goal of making it work again since the last release was from 2008 and around 2009 google changed the formats for the reports rendering it unfunctional. After getting it to work i cleaned and bugfixed the code a bit and in the future might implement new features, but mostly i will make sure it never stops working again.


07 Mar 2010 - 0.1 first release
21 May 2011 - 0.2 updated authentication with google changes
13 Sep 2011 - 0.3 updated authentication with google changes